KVKK Analysis
KVKK Analysis, which started its activities in 2020, is a software program that reduces costs and increases efficiency in the processes of compliance with legal regulations, analysis and automation of personal data. KVKK Analysis; automates repetitive processes by minimizing human labour, offers solutions that increase efficiency and compliance culture while reducing the external dependency of companies in legal compliance processes.
KVKK Analysis, which was established by the combination of the consultancy experiences provided to hundreds of companies with a high technological infrastructure, is an easy and innovative solution partner for all kinds of companies that need compliance in the processes related to personal data.
KVKK Analysis, as one of our business partners, simplify things while combining with high-tech infrastructures such as authorized access, logging and masking to work for the best service.

Bakan Nebati, “Yastık altında 5 bin ton civarı altın var. Bunun karşılığı 250-350 milyar dolar. Bunun belli bir miktarı, Merkez Bankası’na destek olacak ve döviz ihtiyacını giderecek” dedi.