Social Security, Payroll and Incentive Services
- Preparation of personnel payrolls
- Submission of SSI monthly notifications
- Submission of workplace opening, employment, exit, leave, report and other notifications
- Calculation of seniority, notice and other rights
- Calculation of leave, overtime and other side benefits
- Calculation of R&D social security and tax incentives
- Calculation and follow-up of SGK and İşkur incentives

10 Şubat 2022
Bakan Nebati, “Yastık altında 5 bin ton civarı altın var. Bunun karşılığı 250-350 milyar dolar. Bunun belli bir miktarı, Merkez Bankası’na destek olacak ve döviz ihtiyacını giderecek” dedi.