Abdullah Kılınç
After graduating from Middle East Technical University in 2005, Abdullah Kılınç worked in the tax audit department of PwC in Istanbul for nine years. In his work at PWC, he mostly took part in corporate tax full certification and merger and acquisition projects. After that, he started to work as a tax manager at Yıldırım Group of Companies in 2014 with the task of forming a tax team, worked as a tax director in 5 different countries (Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Colombia and Kazakhstan) responsible for more than 15 countries in 5 sectors.
In addition to his duty as Tax Director, he represented the buyer party in terms of tax and structuring in merger and acquisition agreements in many countries such as Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, USA, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Russia, Uzbekistan, Malta, and also as a board member in foreign subsidiaries, He also undertook many different administrative duties globally.
Abdullah Kılınç worked as a tax partner responsible for international tax services and company structuring at a law firm in 2020, he continues to share his professional experience in tax and law consultancy with his clients as of July 2021 in Kılınç Advisory.
He is specialized in International Tax Structuring, Mergers and Acquisitions (due diligence) projects, tax disputes and tax compliance studies.
Abdullah Kılınç has been a member of the Istanbul CPA Chamber for more than 10 years, graduated from Istanbul Kultur University Faculty of Law in 2021 and registered with the Istanbul Bar Association. He is fluent in English and a beginner in French and Russian.

Bakan Nebati, “Yastık altında 5 bin ton civarı altın var. Bunun karşılığı 250-350 milyar dolar. Bunun belli bir miktarı, Merkez Bankası’na destek olacak ve döviz ihtiyacını giderecek” dedi.