M. Baturhan Gençaslan
After graduating from Notre Dame de Sion French High School, he graduated from Yıldız Technical University Department of Industrial Engineering in 2010 and completed his master's degree in Finance at the University of Warwick in 2011.
After working as a consultant in the field of financial services for a while, he worked as a tax auditor in a local certified public accountancy firm.
e started his public service as Assistant Tax Inspector in 2014, continued as a Tax Inspector in Istanbul Large-Scale Taxpayers Group Presidency, and left this position voluntarily in 2021. Within the scope of this duty, he carried out tax examinations of large-scale taxpayers in the manufacturing, construction, marketing, iron and steel, textile, banking and finance sectors in terms of the relevant tax types, and was a member of the reconciliation commission.
He completed the Certified Public Accountant exam organized by TÜRMOB in 2020.
He has professional articles published in the Journal of the World of Tax, the Journal of Tax Report and various online platforms.
He is a member of the Notre Dame de Sionians Association, the Association of Financial Auditors and the Tax Inspectors Association.
Knows French and English in a good level.

Bakan Nebati, “Yastık altında 5 bin ton civarı altın var. Bunun karşılığı 250-350 milyar dolar. Bunun belli bir miktarı, Merkez Bankası’na destek olacak ve döviz ihtiyacını giderecek” dedi.