Deniz Özler
Deniz Özler graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance and Istanbul Bilgi University Accounting and Auditing Master's Program.
After starting his career in Eston Yapı A.Ş., he worked as a senior tax auditor at Moore Stephens Istanbul office in 2004. He became a senior tax manager at the Ernst & Young Istanbul office in 2012 and joined Galatasaray Sportif A.Ş. as an internal audit manager after ten years in the auditing industry.
Deniz Özler has extensive knowledge and experience on Turkish Tax Legislation and internal audit procedures. Özler, who has joined the EUTAX family in 2015, is a financial advisor registered with the Istanbul CPA and an independent auditor registered with the Public Supervisory Board.

Bakan Nebati, “Yastık altında 5 bin ton civarı altın var. Bunun karşılığı 250-350 milyar dolar. Bunun belli bir miktarı, Merkez Bankası’na destek olacak ve döviz ihtiyacını giderecek” dedi.