Login Creative
It is an undeniable fact that the digital world has developed to an incredible extent in the past 20 years. In this context, brands that attach the necessary importance to digitalization and always adopt the vision of development and improvement are taking stronger steps every day. Contrary it is a fact that brands that want to advance with traditional methods are losing their influence and value day by day. For this reason, companies that always think one step ahead should open their doors to digitalization in every respect.
EUTAX, which has always aimed to provide value-added services to its working and business partners since the first day of its establishment, has joined forces with Login Creative for all kinds of digital media services that brands may need. EUTAX provides its clients digital services in partnership with Login Creative such as social media, website, mobile application, digital project corporate guidance and video production.
By entering the privileged and professional world of EUTAX as soon as possible, you can start to move your business and brand to a better position in many ways.

Bakan Nebati, “Yastık altında 5 bin ton civarı altın var. Bunun karşılığı 250-350 milyar dolar. Bunun belli bir miktarı, Merkez Bankası’na destek olacak ve döviz ihtiyacını giderecek” dedi.